Grumman e-1b


The preservation of the E-1B (Bureau Number 147217) has commenced. In December 2022 the aircraft was removed from the outdoor display, where it has been since 1981, and brought into the restoration hangar.

Aircraft that must be exposed to the weather will inevitably deteriorate. This condition cannot be stopped. It can be mitigated and slowed to some degree. Preservation efforts will help slow the deterioration. As an outside display aircraft, our current E-1B preservation is designed to improve the exhibit as well as protect it. Our actions involve some disassembly but are not as detailed as a restoration.

This particular E-1B was flown by and dedicated to Lou Rell, the husband of former CT Governor Jodi Rell. Lou was a well-known member and volunteer at the Museum. This preservation honors his memory.

Fall 2024

One propeller was assembled from the restored blades and hubs. The second propeller will be assembled and mounted next week. This Spring we will remove the props and paint the entire aircraft.

Fall 2024

One propeller was assembled from the restored blades and hubs. The second propeller will be assembled and mounted next week. This Spring we will remove the props and paint the entire aircraft.

Fall 2024

The left-wing mating surfaces have been re-finished and worn components replaced. The lower locking cylinder was removed and dissembled to obtain dimensions from the piston. The data will be used to manufacture a new lower piston to replace that used in the right wing when it is folded.

Fall 2024

The fronts of both engines have been refreshed. A modest cleaning and touch-up were all that was required. The anti-bird infestation screens were fitted to prevent any future habitation. All nacelle panels were re-installed.

Fall 2024

The fronts of both engines have been refreshed. A modest cleaning and touch-up were all that was required. The anti-bird infestation screens were fitted to prevent any future habitation. All nacelle panels were re-installed.

Fall 2024

The nose wheel landing gear’s front door has been restored it to original condition.

Fall 2024

Painting the nose and engine cowlings while the warm weather holds

Fall 2024

Painting the nose and engine cowlings while the warm weather holds

Summer 2024

Both nacelle front cowlings have been repaired and readied for anti-glare black paint and white primer. The fronts of both engines are being refreshed.

Summer 2024

The leading edges are being stripped of all old rubber defroster material.

Summer 2024

The electronics compartment's emergency escape door's restoration has been completed.

Summer 2024

Propellers were painted and reassembled.

Summer 2024

Propeller components were removed from their storage crates for inspection.

December 2023

One of the Tracer's wings has been folded and the aircraft has been moved into the Restoration Hangar.

December 2023

One of the Tracer's wings has been folded and the aircraft has been moved into the Restoration Hangar.

July/August 2023

We have removed 4 of the 8 left nacelle engine panels so that the left engine compartment can be cleaned. The panel inside surfaces and mating areas were cleaned and painted.

July/August 2023

Life raft compartment was found in poor condition. We have stripped and re-painted all surfaces and replaced the necessary signage.

July/August 2023

Restoration of the aircraft's landing gear is underway. The finish has been removed and a coat of white primer applied.

May/June 2023

Restoring the interior: All instrumentation, control & safety equip. will be removed. Inside cabin surfaces will be cleaned/refinished. Equip. will be cleaned and replaced.

May/June 2023

Restoring the cabin's interior: The paint is stripped from the cabin door, bulkhead, and door frame.

May/June 2023

The aircraft is power washed to remove all stripping residue.

May/June 2023

Paint Removal: After 6 days, the paint is fully stripped.

May/June 2023

Paint removal: Paint stripping begins.

May/June 2023

Paint removal: The aircraft is being prepared for paint stripping (dustless blasting).

May/June 2023

While cleaning the E-1B we noted a 30% release of the aircraft’s paint. We concluded that the paint on the E-1b tracer was too heavily compromised and could not be preserved or saved.

January 2023 #15

The Tracer’s propellers are being restored

January 2023 #14

The Tracer’s propellers are being restored

January 2023 #13

The power plant oil temperature regulator constant speed duct drive exhaust ports are being protected with a screened cover.

January 2023 #12

We will power the 28-volt tracer air conditioning fan motor using solar powered cells. We will direct air through the heater ducting and use the existing fan motor. Solar powered fans will be used for the rear cabin. The solar panels will be mounted in the radar operator’s windows and will not be visible from the outside.

The electronic cooling covers were modified (screened) to work with the solar powered intake fans being used for the aircraft’s new ‘ventilation’ system.

The inlets for the 'rear cabin' system will be the existing cooling air inlets for the electronics equipment. Two 5” fans will be attached to the inside cooling ducts. A 10” solar powered exhaust fan will replace the window on the cabin door.

January 2023 #11

We will be installing a solar powered ventilation system in the aircraft using the existing heating/air conditioning system. This system will prevent moisture/mold from forming inside the cabin. Bob and Cesar are working on the Tracers ventilating system.

January 2023 #10

Dave has completed the restoration of the wing's jury rods

January 2023 #9

In order to lift the tracer’s wheels, to move the ‘landing gear supports’ in place, an adapter was designed and fabricated.

January 2023 #8

In order to lift the tracer’s wheels, to move the ‘landing gear supports’ in place, an adapter was designed and fabricated.

January 2023 #7

Jessie has also completed the nose wheel support to be used like the ‘main tire’ supports.

January 2023 #6

Jessie is fabricating a set of main landing gear supports. These will be used to lift the main tires about an inch off the ground for preservation. They will also be used to support the aircraft when we change the tires.

January 2023 #5

‘On ground’ inlet protectors (remove before flight) are being fabricated. These will prevent animal infestation if the aircraft is kept outside.

January 2023 #4

Dave and Don removed the lower forward sections of the engine nacelles to fit the screening. They then cleaned out the nacelles lower section.

January 2023 #3

Engine front infestation screening was designed, and material purchased. Screening was cut out and a 1/4” wire will be welded to the circumference. When the support wires are attached, we then can attach the support braces for the screens.

January 2023 #2

The team opened the nose to check the condition inside.

January 2023 #1

Now that the aircraft is closer to the restoration hangar, the team can better investigate the aircraft's condition.

December 2022 #14

Design of the main landing gear support fixtures has been completed.

December 2022 #13

The aircraft’s tires we're tested: mains are no good, replacements on hand. Nose wheels may need replacement. We have them available.

Decembre 2022 #12

The aircraft’s tires we're tested: mains are no good, replacements on hand. Nose wheels may need replacement. We have them available.

December 2022 #11

Both props were removed, signage documented and are now being refurbished.

December 2022 #10

Both props were removed, signage documented and are now being refurbished.

December 2022 #9

Engine front screening was designed, and fabricated. Other areas such as wheel wells will be protected against animal infestation as well.

December 2022 #8

Aircraft signage & markings are being documented. (Left nacelle shown)

December 2022 #7

A front fuselage lift adapter was designed and has been fabricated. It will provide a secure attachment tool when lifting the front of the aircraft for servicing or wheel replacement.

December 2022 #6

A nose wheel landing gear support was designed and fabricated, and the main wheel landing gear supports were designed and are being fabricated.

December 2022 #5

A set of main landing gear strut sleeves were designed and have been fabricated.

December 2022 #4

A set of main landing gear strut sleeves were designed and have been fabricated.

December 2022 #3

The E-1B Tracer was moved to the hard surface area.

December 2022 #2

The restoration team removed both props prior to moving the aircraft.

December 2022 #1

The E-1B crew used their trusty tug to move the aircraft closer to the restoration hangar

Before Preservation #5

The left side prior to preservation

Before Preservation #4

Navy markings prior to preservation.

Before Preservation #3

The right side prior to preservation.

Before Preservation #2

View from behind the aircraft.

Before Preservation #1

View from the front of the aircraft