Foundation Support

and Grants


The New England Air Museum receives financial support from private, community and family foundations. This support helps underwrite the substantial cost of our educational programs, exhibits, and aircraft restoration and preservation so that we can continue to present the amazing story of aviation and the profound effects that it has on the way in which we live.

Supporting Foundations

Embraer Foundation

Gulfstream Foundation

Shurtleff Children's Services

Henry E. Niles Foundation, Inc.

SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.

NASA CT Space Grant Consortium

George A. & Grace L. Long Foundation

Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation

William & Alice Mortensen Foundation

Community Foundation of Tompkins County

Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman Foundation

The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts

Foundations interested in supporting the New England Air Museum through a mission-focused grant, or learning more about the projects and activities in need of support, use the below form.